Get trusted price data on-chain.
build reliable applications quickly.


On-chain never felt this good.
Trusted price data for the defi builder

Price feeds for days

Easily integrate reliable price feeds for 400+ assets into your into your dApp with PythNet and Hermes.

Trusted on-chain asset history

Reliable price history for applications looking to build robust solutions for their users.

Everything you need for
fast on-chain price feeds.

Get reliable price data for 400+ assets in your applications at an affordable price.

What’s included

  • Low-latency market data from institutional sources
  • Globally distributed shared pool for low latency
  • Hermes API streams price updates
  • Fetch historical prices with Benchmarks

Many hands make light work.
We're here for the long haul.

Whether it's through the provision of custom RPC servers for operators or hosted access to custom APIs, we work with many blockchain projects in order to help further the ecosystem.


We stepped up to help the Solana defi ecosystem after FTX failed. Our reliable, dedicated RPC infrastructure powers many OpenBook market cranks.


We are a proud vendor for The Pyth Data Association and many of the Pyth Publishers on Solana. We are also a vital infrastructure provider for Pythnet.


We contribute as a Wormhole guardian operating over 20+ nodes for different blockchains to help keep the bridge functioning with reliable data.


We helped Metaplex validate their Compressed NFT read API standard. The API is available on our shared RPC service as well as our dedicated instances!